Reservoir Walk
Let's open the biggest park in Braintree...The Braintree-Randolph reservoir is surrounded by beautiful wooded acres -- but it's closed to the public!Recently, the "Randolph Reservoir Walk" opened ONE side of the reservoir -- how about we open the Braintree side too? The new Water Treatment Plant, under construction now, will be completed in 2025. At that time, we can change the rules and let the people of Braintree into what would be the biggest park in Braintree. (The people of Randolph are also currently locked out during construction; that'll change in 2025!). Please sign our petition to the Braintree Town Council to change the rules in 2025, to allow recreational access and educational access for our kids. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD PETITION (Sign and mail to: P.O. Box 448 Randolph MA 02368) Contact: Randolph Town Councilor Jesse Gordon Text 617-320-6989 jgordon@randolph-ma.gov
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